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[Subtítulos 1978mahdi] La Agenda sigue su curso. Los acontecimientos ocurren, y hay que conocer cual es el transfondo GLOBAL del nuevo panorama que amanece para una gran parte del planeta. Si quieres conocer un punto de vista distinto, presta atención a la segunda parte de este video, dónde se desgrana completamente la estrategia oculta tras el telón de lo cotidiano.
U.S. should say little publicly about Egypt during this transition. The U.S. does not want to be perceived as trying to impose a government on the Egyptian people, he said.
"It's only a question of months at most -- that Mubarak will resign," Kissinger said. He described the president's removal as "the first scene of the first act" in Egypt's political transformation.
"We are going to go through a period of great uncertainty and a lot of maneuvering once the lid is off," said Kissinger, now chairman of Kissinger Associates Inc.
"I would talk as little publicly as possible because we don't really know what's going on," he said.
"I think we should stay out of the dispute because we don't want to look like we are imposing a government," he said later.
* 1978mahdi
* kissinger
* bloomberg
* mubarak
* brzezinski
* agenda
* puppet
* zionism
* great
* israel
* third
* temple
* jewish
* egypt
* jan25
* revolution
* jordan
* saudi
* mecca
* medina
* tunisia
* fahd
* dajjal
* mahdi
* jerusalem
* islam
* nwo
* illuminati
* allah
* lecture
* philosophy
* hypnosis
* medicine
* quran
GREAT ISRAHELL PROJECT Brzezinski, Kissinger, Middle East Great Deception.
Esta es la segunda y última entrega de este estilo. Como veréis quienes escuchéis la Conferencia completa, aquí queda desgranada la estrategia geopolítica reinante, hoy día, en Medio Oriente.
Subscríbete a BravaTierra: https://www.youtube.com/user/BravaTierra
El Sheij Imran Hossein se adentra en EXPONER los planes que la élite tiene diseñado desde hace muuuuucho tiempo atrás, denuncia los planes de guerra, señala las herramientas de propaganda infiltradas en el mundo árabe, la reinterpretación occidentalizada del Islam y finalmente: LA GRAN GUERRA.
Atiende a la Conferencia completa, nadie ha hablado tan claro desde hace mucho tiempo.
* 1978mahdi
* great israel
* project
* palestine
* middle east
* egypt
* aljazeera
* jan25
* imran hossein
* world war III
* jerusalem
* quds
* third temple
* deception
* propaganda
* zionism
* revolution
* kissinger
* bloomberg
* brzezinski
* obama
* puppet
* illuminati
* nwo
* world order
* world government
[GREAT ISRAHELL PROJECT] Part 2 Final - World War III, Mubarak Deception, Al-Jazeera
henry88- Cantidad de envíos : 1642
Nivel de Aportación : 2036
Fecha de inscripción : 06/04/2009
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