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Hombres Sombra (Fenomeno Extraño)
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Hombres Sombra (Fenomeno Extraño)
The Mysterious Phenomenon of Shadow People
"I've heard of shadow people, and maybe even seen one. Are they a common entity?" ~question via email.
One of the most interesting and intriguing phenomena in the world of paranormal activity is that of the "Shadow People." Each and every week there seems to be more and more stories and reports involving these mysterious beings, and they certainly have become a hot topic and a subject of growing interest of research by investigators.
Stories about these strange entities and their natures vary from harmless, quiet and shy observers to malevolent and downright nasty creatures of mal-intent.
As with most things in the paranormal field, no one can say with any degree of certainty what these shadow beings are, but we will explore a few of the prevalent theories.
Shadow people have gained their nickname because they are most commonly observed or reported as having a human-like form. Unlike the typical descriptions of ghosts who are usually described as having human form with discernible characteristics such as physical features, clothing and accessories, shadow people are said to be feature-less.
Generally, they are described as appearing to have mass, though their natures seem to vary from simple two-dimensional shadows, to distorted three-dimensional forms.
Their movements are sometimes described as "unnatural" seeming to be very quick and disjointed. Sometimes they are said to move in slow motion, as if they were submerged in liquid, and then to suddenly move rapidly from one place to another within the room.
Again, some accounts differ even more widely and describe a completely black being with red eyes, a cloak, and a hat. This variation has become known as "the hat man".
Many witnesses describe feeling a strong presence or a sense of being watched, many times they will get a glimpse of 'something dark' out of the corner of their eye, they turn to look in the direction of the presence only to see it disappear into thin air, or flee right through a wall.
Sometimes they are reported as being childlike and playing games with witnesses. These seem to be curious and are also almost always seen through peripheral vision, when the witness turns to see them, rather than disappear through a wall or into thin air; they usually flee in a particular direction. Once while visiting my house, my sister reported chasing a small child around from room to room.
Many times people interpret the presence of shadow people as being ominous and equate experiences with shadow beings with feelings of dread, ill intent and pure evil. Sometimes these shadow beings seem to be curious about the people who are seeing them.
Theories surrounding the nature and origin of shadow people abound. Some believe that they are inter-dimensional beings which exist in a universe parallel to our own. Others suggest that they are demonic entities, or are observers from another place, some even suggest that they may be thought forms unconsciously created by negative psychic energy and related to a place or event in which extreme emotional or physical stress/trauma has taken place.
It is extremely hard not to notice the subconscious symbolism implied by these manifestations. In Jungian Psychology and Philosophy the shadow is associated with the hidden aspects of the conscious mind; it is an archetype of the secret, repressed area of human nature and behavior, perhaps that is why feelings of fear and malevolence often accompany interaction with these beings.
Articulo completo: Web
Kamus- Cantidad de envíos : 3536
Nivel de Aportación : 6626
Fecha de inscripción : 01/11/2009
Localización : Matrix Holografica
Re: Hombres Sombra (Fenomeno Extraño)
Shadow people (also known as shadow figures, shadow beings, shadow men, or shadow folk) are supernatural shadow-like figures of both modern folklore and paranormal popular culture that believers describe as dark humanoid forms or evasive specters that are seen mostly in peripheral vision.
Authors like Rosemary Ellen Guiley, Jason Offutt, and Heidi Hollis have helped popularize the concept through books, articles, and appearances on radio talk shows, such as Coast to Coast AM, that are devoted to paranormal subjects.
George spoke with researcher and author Rosemary Ellen Guiley about night terrors and spirit communications.
She differentiated night terrors from nightmares, noting that the former sleep condition causes a person to awake in an agitated state without knowing what caused it. Guiley said night terrors are common in younger children, and seem to be on the upswing. It's as if we are "tapping into something on a collective level that is deeply disturbing human beings," she added.
Guiley discussed her research using an electronic device known as 'Frank's Box,' named for inventor Frank Sumption. The contraption purportedly allows real-time, two-way communication with non-physical entities. George played an audio clip recorded by Guiley while using a version of this technology (Mini Box) at the Moundsville State Penitentiary in West Virginia. She said the investigators experienced some poltergeist phenomena there, so Guiley asked if someone was messing around with their equipment. In what may be the most unusual EVP ever recorded, the theme to The Twilight Zone can be heard coming
through the box.
Guiley talked about her upcoming paranormal documentary about the stone chambers in upstate New York. She described the area as a portal where there is broad-spectrum paranormal activity. Guiley said she picked up an odd spirit communication there. After asking an entity if it had a message for them, a voice replied, "Whatever. Not today. Rosemary, do you have a message for me?" Guiley also mentioned her work on a 'Skinwalker' case, where the investigators witnessed the manifestation of a hostile shadow person that caused them to become physically sick. .
Kamus- Cantidad de envíos : 3536
Nivel de Aportación : 6626
Fecha de inscripción : 01/11/2009
Localización : Matrix Holografica
Re: Hombres Sombra (Fenomeno Extraño)
¡Vaya! Cuanto han tardado en borrar el vídeo
Estos de MasonTube cada vez van más rápido.
Estos de MasonTube cada vez van más rápido.
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Re: Hombres Sombra (Fenomeno Extraño)
Enlukder escribió:¡Vaya! Cuanto han tardado en borrar el vídeo
Estos de MasonTube cada vez van más rápido.
justo que queria ver...
para la proxima deberiamos bajar el video, y ponerlo en un servidor donde tengamos el control y la seguridad (o en su defecto, que no lo Censuren)
matiasfpm- Cantidad de envíos : 603
Nivel de Aportación : 689
Fecha de inscripción : 15/12/2009
Edad : 33
Localización : LA ZONA
Re: Hombres Sombra (Fenomeno Extraño)
Los vídeos así muy polémicos sería bueno subirlos también a Matrixtube, que es una plataforma nueva con vídeos sobre estos temas. También en Vimeo, aunque ahí censuran igualmente.
Re: Hombres Sombra (Fenomeno Extraño)
Hola! Puedes poner el link de matrix tube? No lo he encontrado...zanbar escribió:Los vídeos así muy polémicos sería bueno subirlos también a Matrixtube, que es una plataforma nueva con vídeos sobre estos temas. También en Vimeo, aunque ahí censuran igualmente.
Muchas Gracias!
Flowerchild- Cantidad de envíos : 574
Nivel de Aportación : 729
Fecha de inscripción : 21/04/2010
Edad : 51
Localización : Madrid
Re: Hombres Sombra (Fenomeno Extraño)
iorg dice:
Julio 22, 2010 en 5:52 am
Lo más parecido a lo que he experimentado con estos:
“Shadow Beings” “entidades de sombras”
lo explica muy bien esta Pelicula (The Haunted 1991) que porcierto esta basada en hecho reales:
Estas densidades parece ser que viven en un plano de existencia que se cruza con nuestra existencia. parece que aqui les llaman EGREGOR. aunque aqui los conocemos como shadow beings o en la antiguedad “demonios”
Estas cosas pienso que son de las que habla Castañeda cuando el Don Juan le explica que arriba de nosostros en la escala multidimensional estan estas creaturas que se meten o parasitan en tu mente “poseyendola”
Yo apuesto que estas cosas son las responsables de secuestrar a la gente en sus sueños y hacerles padecer enfermedades tales como la posesión y robales sus energias psiquicas.
Fuente: Blog
Kamus- Cantidad de envíos : 3536
Nivel de Aportación : 6626
Fecha de inscripción : 01/11/2009
Localización : Matrix Holografica
Re: Hombres Sombra (Fenomeno Extraño)
Tios, este tema me cae muy tenebroso para mi pero creo que deberiamos seguir investigando... y sacar a luz los Fakes, para sacarnos las dudas
matiasfpm- Cantidad de envíos : 603
Nivel de Aportación : 689
Fecha de inscripción : 15/12/2009
Edad : 33
Localización : LA ZONA
Re: Hombres Sombra (Fenomeno Extraño)
Lo del bajito no me lo acabo de creer. Yo creo que es falso
Anonimo- Cantidad de envíos : 55
Nivel de Aportación : 63
Fecha de inscripción : 08/05/2010
Localización : Oculta
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